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Eminent Lawyer Jethmalani on the greatness of Islam, and the tragedy of Wahabi Islam

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Eminent Lawyer Jethmalani on the greatness of Islam, and the tragedy of Wahabi Islam Empty Eminent Lawyer Jethmalani on the greatness of Islam, and the tragedy of Wahabi Islam

Post by Guest Tue Jul 19, 2016 8:56 pm

I have written before and I wish to repeat that I am a great admirer of the Prophet of Islam, because he is the one Prophet who clearly told his followers, "When you walk in search of knowledge, you walk in the path of God; the ink of the scholar is holier than the blood of a martyr." As long as his followers adhered to this teaching of their Prophet, they were masters of the civilized world. When they forsook his teachings, burnt all books and read only the Quran, and that too not in its entirety, they became slaves of those whom they had educated.

This great picture of Islam of Prophet Mohammed has been more or less distorted, if not completely obliterated. The suicidal ISIS is a faithful reproduction not of Islam but the Wahhabi cult which is only an insult to the Islam of Prophet Mohammad whom I revere even though I a non-Muslim. I think most Indian Muslims realize this distortion. I am proud to call myself a secular Indian Hindu. Secularism, I have often explained is the subordination of ignorance to education and of religion to science. No prophet of any religion had even imagined of man landing on the moon, or the nuclear bomb, a capsule capable of destroying humanity, and modern medicine and surgery to heal humans from disease and death.

The cause of Islam’s tragedy was Mohammad Ibn Abdul Wahhab, born in 1703 in Saudi Arabia, the founder of a sect called ‘Wahhabis’. He pretended to revive the Islam of Prophet but did exactly the contrary.

He picked on a stray line in the Holy Book and convinced himself that it has decreed death and annihilation to all Mushrikhun, i.e. polytheists. His definition of polytheists, however, was different from that of the rest of the Islamic world and has proved a big curse to humanity. By his definition , Christians, Jews, Shiites, Hindus and many others are polytheists, who have forfeited their right to live. He was the first to legitimize Jihad, even against fellow Muslims. His doctrine was worse than the act of burning the Holy Koran which advised – fight in the way of God against those who fight against you, but do not commit aggression ( Koran 2:190-92)- and proclaimed that the ink of the scholar is more valuable than the blood of the martyr. In the spring of 1802, 12,000 of his followers invaded the southern part of Ottoman Iraq. They entered Karbala, massacred some 4,000 Shiites and ransacked holy Shiite shrines, including the tomb of Hussein, the martyred grandson of the Prophet himself. They looted the city and carried off its wealth on the backs of 4000 camels.
In the early 20th century a similar militia movement was initiated in Saudi Arabia, called ‘Ikhwan’ The Saudi Royal family saw great guardians in these toxic movements and the notorious Bin Laden was the evil product of these two. The movement called Muslim Brotherhood also joined in this unholy war on the decencies of the Holy Prophet of Islam. India has not escaped the evil attention of this motley crowd of fanatics. Can the civilized world conquer terrorism is a worrisome question and the answer is not easily found.

Muslims must recall the Islam of pristine grandeur because its current Wahhabi version is only leading to the destruction of Islam, through the self proclaimed IS Caliphate, and its savagery, hatred and terrorism against everyone except themselves.
Leading religious muslim leaders, intellectuals and thinkers across the world must create a movement for Islam’s Renaissance, before it is destroyed by the ISIS Caliphate.


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Eminent Lawyer Jethmalani on the greatness of Islam, and the tragedy of Wahabi Islam Empty Re: Eminent Lawyer Jethmalani on the greatness of Islam, and the tragedy of Wahabi Islam

Post by Guest Wed Jul 20, 2016 1:20 pm

i don't know enough about tarek's views to comment on them.


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Eminent Lawyer Jethmalani on the greatness of Islam, and the tragedy of Wahabi Islam Empty Re: Eminent Lawyer Jethmalani on the greatness of Islam, and the tragedy of Wahabi Islam

Post by Seva Lamberdar Thu Jul 21, 2016 3:06 pm

Rashmun wrote:

i don't know enough about tarek's views to comment on them.
aren't they pretty straight-forward?
Seva Lamberdar
Seva Lamberdar

Posts : 6581
Join date : 2012-11-29

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Eminent Lawyer Jethmalani on the greatness of Islam, and the tragedy of Wahabi Islam Empty Re: Eminent Lawyer Jethmalani on the greatness of Islam, and the tragedy of Wahabi Islam

Post by Guest Thu Jul 21, 2016 3:24 pm

Seva Lamberdar wrote:
Rashmun wrote:

i don't know enough about tarek's views to comment on them.
aren't they pretty straight-forward?

that may be so but i have not read anything written by Tarek Fatah. why is my opinion on Tarek so important to you?


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Eminent Lawyer Jethmalani on the greatness of Islam, and the tragedy of Wahabi Islam Empty Re: Eminent Lawyer Jethmalani on the greatness of Islam, and the tragedy of Wahabi Islam

Post by Seva Lamberdar Sat Jul 23, 2016 8:17 am

Rashmun wrote:
Seva Lamberdar wrote:
Rashmun wrote:

i don't know enough about tarek's views to comment on them.
aren't they pretty straight-forward?

that may be so but i have not read anything written by Tarek Fatah. why is my opinion on Tarek so important to you?
Because Tarek's views in the above sound so similar to your usually posted links here on Hindu-Muslim synthesis, including the above post by you on "Eminent Lawyer" Jethmalani.
Seva Lamberdar
Seva Lamberdar

Posts : 6581
Join date : 2012-11-29

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