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Are minority TN brahmins (3%) the victims of casteism by DMK Govt.?

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Are minority TN brahmins (3%) the victims of casteism by DMK Govt.? Empty Are minority TN brahmins (3%) the victims of casteism by DMK Govt.?

Post by Seva Lamberdar Wed Nov 09, 2022 8:18 am

OpIndia, "DMK spokesperson Rajiv Gandhi calls for genocide of Tamil Brahmins, wants to adopt Periyar’s killing model: Details," June 4, 2022,
Seva Lamberdar
Seva Lamberdar

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Are minority TN brahmins (3%) the victims of casteism by DMK Govt.? Empty Re: Are minority TN brahmins (3%) the victims of casteism by DMK Govt.?

Post by Seva Lamberdar Wed Nov 09, 2022 6:06 pm

'In the said speech, the anti-Hindu activist (Periyar) was heard calling for the annihilation of Tamil Brahmins. Periyar had lamented how a Brahmin ‘Lord Murugan’ killed demon king ‘Soora Padman’, who supposedly said that there was no God.(from the article)

>>> There is no justification from the above for present day (21st century) hatred or suggestion to kill brahmins, because the above merely represents an ancient fictional tale (metaphoric folk tale) which long ago had used the mythical names / personalities Murugan (supposedly, a god or deva) and Padman (supposedly, a demon or sura -- sura, unlike presently, suggesting negative / demonic power long ago) to stress on the idea of God (while implying that denying God might incur death).
Seva Lamberdar
Seva Lamberdar

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Are minority TN brahmins (3%) the victims of casteism by DMK Govt.? Empty Re: Are minority TN brahmins (3%) the victims of casteism by DMK Govt.?

Post by Seva Lamberdar Thu Nov 10, 2022 6:41 am

Seva Lamberdar wrote:'In the said speech, the anti-Hindu activist (Periyar) was heard calling for the annihilation of Tamil Brahmins. Periyar had lamented how a Brahmin ‘Lord Murugan’ killed demon king ‘Soora Padman’, who supposedly said that there was no God.(from the article)

>>> There is no justification from the above for present day (21st century) hatred or suggestion to kill brahmins, because the above merely represents an ancient fictional tale (metaphoric folk tale) which long ago had used the mythical names / personalities Murugan (supposedly, a god or deva) and Padman (supposedly, a demon or sura -- sura, unlike presently, suggesting negative / demonic power long ago) to stress on the idea of God (while implying that denying God might incur death).

Btw, the fictional ancient tale in the above article using the mythical Deva Murugan and Sura Padman to stress on the idea of God (i.e., metaphorically, the denier of God would be punished / killed) has similarities to advocating harsh treatment (even killing) in the case of God-denier as kafir (non-believer) in Islam and anti-Christ (essentially, a non-believer) in Christianity.
Seva Lamberdar
Seva Lamberdar

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Are minority TN brahmins (3%) the victims of casteism by DMK Govt.? Empty Re: Are minority TN brahmins (3%) the victims of casteism by DMK Govt.?

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