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Beer Signs on the Highway [Martin Gardner]

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Beer Signs on the Highway [Martin Gardner] Empty Beer Signs on the Highway [Martin Gardner]

Post by Petrichor Fri Jun 08, 2012 1:37 pm

Smith drove at a steady clip along the highway, his wife beside him. "Have you noticed," he said, "that those annoying signs for Flatz beer seem to be regularly spaced along the road? I wonder how far apart they are."

Mrs. Smith glanced at her wristwatch, then counted the number of Flatz beer signs they passed in 1 minute.

"What an odd coincidence!" exclaimed Smith. "When you multiply that number by 10, it exactly equals the speed of our car in miles per hour."

Assuming that the car's speed is constant, that the signs are equally spaced and that Mrs. Smith's minute began and ended with the car midway between two signs, how far is it between one sign and the next?

- As they say, ibid.

Lagniappe: ibid stands for ibidem or same place. My previous posts contain the reference to the book where this came from.


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